Okay so here’s the ‘my style’ coneheads haha featuring Dirge!

Uh I don’t have a load of headcanons so most of the ones below cut are more referring to differences between coneheads and the other kind of seeker.

  • They have a “megatooth” at the front of their mouths, which is just their front dental units merged to create one big ‘beak’ tooth. 
  • Coneheads are very proud of their ‘beak’ and do not like people mocking it. Though they can peck you pretty hard with it haha.

  • Just like other seekers they use their wings to emote.

  • Their wing-tails have a couple joints on them, this goes towards emoting and to help them sit and move about in places their tail would get in the way.

  • Coneheads are more prone to chirping than other seekers.

  • Yes, they too can move on all fours and hop like a birdy.
  • Oh wait, I do have one idea regarding the characters: Dirge is probably that guy who is comically unlucky.

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