So hey, how about more of that Spyro AU? Well, you’re getting it anyway! Info under the cut!

These three first became known to the dragon lands as the ruthless generals to a horrible Demon’s army as he invaded the realms! The trio were freed when a young dragon defeated the demon. They have no memories of their former lives and no longer evil they were allowed back into society though they’re still checked up on a lot.

Cyclonus – A Peace Keeper dragon, a noble and protective warrior, he a all-round powerhouse, from his large gust-generating wings to his strong physique to best him in a battle is truly a achievement. Good thing he never actually fights without a reason and prefers training new comers or being a guard. Otherwise he’s usually at Galvatron’s place.

Galvatron – A Beast Maker dragon, he can be temperamental but it’s not his fault. His Beast-making magic is adept at creating big predatory beasts, while a necessary part of life, often left him feeling out of place with others of his kind, it also makes him a prime target for anyone invading the Dragon realms. Capture him and force him to make an army for you! Genius! It’s the reason Hot Rod often checks in on him first if an invasion happens, It’s about 50-50 if he needs rescuing however, either Galvatrons freed himself after going on a rampage (there’s only so many kidnap attempts one can take) or Cyclonus has already done it. He is capable of making non-predatory beasts but they’re not his default. His pouch is also magic and acts as a storage. Like many other Beast Makers his magic also goes towards flight as despite his size and wings he can still lift off and travel.

Scourge – Another Beast Maker dragon. He’s usually a loner and fine just lazing around in the warm patches having plenty of naps and eating his fill, it’s hard to make him do something if he doesn’t want to do it. He is adept at making, and mass producing, feline-like beasts that bear a resemblance to himself and during the time when he was being controlled by the demon he commanded a vast army of these creatures. He likes fish and to sleep by warm fire places.

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