I’ve only drawn one picture of him before but I decided to make a full ref for my Beast Wars Bumblebee. Info, as always, is under the cut.


Waspinator was engaging in his usual mope about life, the universe hates him he just knows it! He hardly gets any respite and respect from his fellow Predacons barely exists! What kind of a life is that? None, he’ll tell ya’!.

It was this that lead him to make a rather blunderous move. He found a stasis pod!
All by himself!
Surely he’ll get the respect he deserves now! But wait, he’ll have to bring it back to the base, or alert them. He’ll get a “good work” at best then creepy Spider-bot will reprogram and activate the protoform and the credit will be all his, not Waspinators!.

Determined to get the respect he deserves, he decided that surely it couldn’t be that hard to reprogram a protoform! Easy! He’ll have it done in no time and will be praised for all of time! Uh, maybe not that much but he’ll get respect! At least… Probably, maybe…

Gleefully thinking about all the respect and admiration he’s bound to get from his peers Waspinator jabbed buttons, cut off and denied any bit of coding he thought looked Maximal enough (That’s how this works right?), supplied it with a power boost oh yes, that’s definitely the right thing to do! Of course! This was so easy!
The final touch was of course, for the pod to scan a alt mode for the new Predacon-to-be, if creepy Spider-bot could do it, so could he. Waspinator found a entire hive full of little creatures similar to himself and presented them to the pod.

Oh yes, a friend for sure this would make!.
Eventually the pod beeped, fizzled, wobbled, hummed and then decided it was good enough to open.

Sat inside was a very tiny, very fluffy little thing.
He’s not going to get any respect for this.
It looked up at him and peeped curiously.
But scrap the lot of them! He did this and it was adorable!

Waspinator gleefully scooped the little thing up and cuddled it’s lovely fuzzy exterior, yes, he could forget the universe with this tiny bundle by his side.

Although now he had to think.
He can’t let the other Predacons see him lest they take him away…


Bumblebee is the epitome of “I don’t care I’ll fite u mothertrucker”. He has a lot of determination already in such a young tiny body he’ll face down the biggest of threats with a fearless, angry pout.
Which unfortunately for him looks adorable on his widdle face.
He’s happy, energetic and adores being the centre of attention, though he’s not fussy about losing it, that means he can wander off to do his own things when no one’s looking.

He has a deep attachment to Waspinator and treats him like one would treat a parental unit. The feeling is mutual as Waspinator treats him like his own Sparkling. He’s always ready to throw down on anyone who scares him.
Befriend him and this attitude will extend to you although he’ll put Waspinator first.


  • Probably already obvious but as Waspinator botched everything in waking his protoform up, Bumblebee came out a tiny protoform/sparkling rather than full-grown.
  • He also isn’t a Predacon. He’s still full-blown Maximal. Although thankfully Wasps attempts at meddling in reprogramming him had the effect of making him hard to pick up AS a Maximal, he’s more likely to appear on scans as neither a Pred’ or Maxi’ but a second, or stronger, scan will bring him up as a Maximal.
  • As such he’s often sought out by the Maximals who wrongly believe he’s being kept a prisoner by the Preds.
  • Bee loves to dance, it’s his favourite! He’ll wiggle away for hours on end! He can even communicate via his dancing, if only those around him understood it.
  • Wasp tries to join in and imitate his dancing but often messes it up.
  • He has the beginning of a electric stinger weapon but it is small and only delivers sharp shocks right now.
  • He sometimes makes soft buzzing noises as he dances.
  • He can fly but not for long distances, but he will stubbornly fly at least part of the way before settling on Waspinator’s back.
  • Waspinator often, when forced, left him at the hidden temple with Galvatron to keep him safe and away from prying Predacon optics, not to mention away from Maximals.
  • Galvatron may or may not have taught him how to headbutt people, but his tiny horns don’t do much in the way of damage so it’s more adorable than anything.
  • He is pretty damn soft.

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