Skyfire and Cosmos’s precious li’l nugget has gotten a Extriverse look too!
Info below the cut!

Name: Quasar
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female/Femme, She/Her
Alt. Mode: A rather round jet
Creators: Skyfire, Cosmos
Siblings: None.

Quasar can be missed at first. She prefers hanging back and watching things from afar before she truly joins in and makes her entrance. This is because she prefers talking with people she knows and if there’s someone she doesn’t know, she’ll hang back and watch them for a while first, hoping this will help her interact better with them as she ‘gets a feel’ of them. It doesn’t always work.

She gets intensely enthusiastic over stars and constellations and will bounce and squeak with happiness when excited. She’s the mother hen of the group and tends to fuss over everyone’s safety and well-being keen to make sure everyone is included. When times get tough she’s not afraid to roll up her sleeves and do what has to be done, even if it’s not fun.


  • Widely regarded to give some of THE BEST hugs on Cybertron, so she often finds herself being hugged. Optimus is also considered to give the best hugs too.
  • Much like Cosmos she has trouble landing, less trouble than him but she will crash. She’s also more of an actual klutz than he is.
  • Has a photographic memory. If you want to talk about stars and star systems that is.
  • Scolds Ripraider a lot for his continual cursing.
  • Big sister to all.
  • Knows how to run many scientific procedures but she’s more interested in exploring than actual science-science.
  • Hopes to discover a new constellation someday.
  • May or May not have had a silly kiddie crush on Powerglide for a while.
  • Likes humming a happy tune to herself as she goes.
  • A chipper lass. Her sense of humor is great too.

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