I’d intended to draw today but instead spent all day continuing to back-up post art to FA.

Should be done by tomorrow, huzzah!

Then I’ll have two back-up sites for people to still contact me via if things go tits up for me.

For now, it’s the last three BW2 episodes…

That BW2 Galvatron in glasses post has gained so many notes the tag tracker feature just stops showing the tags put on it haha.

I’ll be honest I’ve also spent a long while just adding glasses to carious shots of him I have, just because he looks really good in them.

That episode tried REALLY HARD to play off the whole deal with Galvatron and his brother as some DEEP and EPIC rivalry.

When it’s literally been NOTHING but Mega/Gigastorm being a petulant shit and trying to dispose of his brother whose only RECENTLY thought “eeeh MAYBE my brother shouldn’t be my successor”

There’s hardly a rivalry at all yet that episode tried so hard to sell it as one.
There is no rivalry just a pissy younger brother too pissed off that his brother is better than him at something so instead of actually working on himself to gain the recognition he wants just shoots himself in the foot by trying to dispose of his brother.


Honestly I think his face is only like that constantly due to years of clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth at having such a goddamn awful shit as a brother.

Honestly, I just can’t get over it, he forgives him for fucking everything and still the little shit wants him dead.

The amount of stress he’s probably been living with ‘cos of that fuck.
Someone get him a vacation, he needs it.

Galvatron just saved Lio Convoy’s, his own archenemy’s, life and no one even acknowledged it.

No one.

He just saved your fucking life in front of all the good guys and not a word was spoken about it or “oh why’d he do that?”

Galvatron your attempts at being evil aren’t even that great you dumb soft shit.