And as promised BW2 Cyclonus!
Info under the cut!

Name: Cyclonus
Height: 6.1m (not including horns)
Faction: Destrons
Alt mode: Chimera

Cyclonus is a renowned warrior, where he goes fights ensue and usually he’s the one getting out on top.

As the Angomois energy began getting stronger on the planet Gaia, Cyclonus was quickly drawn to it, sensing it as an opportunity to get stronger and hone his power and further solidify his place as one of the Universe’s strongest combatants and maybe take top spot!
His friend, and tracker/navigator, Scourge found the planet in record time and made a smooth landing.

Being drawn to the Angomois energy it was absolutely zero time before he encountered the Cybertrons. The gang were incredibly shocked to find a newcomer to the planet, not only that but someone who had scanned MULTIPLE animals, including the ‘prized’ lion form Lio Convoy had.

The strange little fellow who had also arrived with the Chimera pointed out Convoy as the leader and that seemed to be all the encouragement needed, no words but a bellow of a challenge and he collided with the Cybertrons leader, the conglomerate of animals was a powerful match. The little Scourge did well with keeping as many of the other ones distracted to keep it one-on-one but they were definitely outnumbered. Even then they seemed to be doing pretty well, Scourge was small and fast and the other was tanking hits and dishing them back out the scuffle was only broken up when the Destrons showed up, Dirge and Thrust managing to bungle the operation causing a portion of the Angomois energy to blow up and the groups to flee.

Invited inside the duo pondered the Destrons here, it seemed they were the only ones who had scanned the organic life as a alt mode. Meeting up with with the Destron boss it was a awkward few seconds of silence until Scourge started responding while his friend sat back.

Scourges diminutive size betrayed the chatty negotiator within him and he discussed the reasons they were there, introducing his silent friend as Cyclonus, who upon mention of his name transformed to greet the group, causing a bit of a sputter with his height. Even Galvatron came to a bit of a full stop and negotiations unraveled a little without him maintaining a proper conversation.

Scourge and Cyclonus decided they’d rather stick it out on their own most of the time and find more foes to battle, but they would dutifully return to the base if they were ever called upon or needed.

Which was sooner than expected, the SIC, Megastorm popped up almost immediately demanding Cyclonus’s service.
He didn’t make a great first impression getting angry and snappy when Cyclonus would only wave his hands at him and Scourge would talk for him, he didn’t want that tiny wimp! He wanted the big guy!
But if he had both of them helping, maybe it would be a better outcome for him.

He told them his woes, how his brother was “totally unfit” to lead, but just wouldn’t go or leave.
The duo didn’t seem to think so, odd yes, but not ‘unfit’?
Megastorm insisted, pointing out his weird behaviour earlier when they were talking.
They agreed if anything to get him to shut up.

Clearly the intent was for Cyclonus to do the dirty work, so he was left to follow Galvatron around while a suspicious Scourge snuck about and got some background info.

“Unfit” seemed wrong but Cyclonus was definitely noticing what Megastorm meant by ‘weird’. He’d stammer, make weird noises and fumble about while building/using things usually whenever he asked him anything. At least, unlike his brother, he knew sign language.

He did nothing that day and Scourge reported back.
Starscream let him know that Megastorm was “a power-hungry little prick” and “lacked the same level of care for his brother that his older brother had for him”, but Galvatron never accepted the truth of his little brother even when it was obvious.
Well, that was disgusting.

Again Megastorm showed up and was furiously snarling at them for being abject failures.
Gosh he really was annoying.
Cyclonus would’ve smashed him over the head was he not SIC.

He kept coming back for days and demanding them to do this, over and over as if they were actually willing to help him, stubbornly refusing to notice that they weren’t interested at all.

“I don’t care how you do it! Just take him out!” The green tank snapped furiously before storming out.
“Gosh, what a brat” Scourge tutted, giving a glance back to his friend, “Oh well, we don’t have to follow him any… way? Oh, I don’t like that look, you have a plan don’t you?”

Cyclonus did exactly what he was told, he asked Galvatron out.

He’d brought the pink emperor outside with a bottle of oil, and poured them a drink each.
Galvatron remained quiet, remained weird, he babbled nonsensically and made weird conversation, glancing about Cyclonus spotted Scourge who’d followed them to ‘keep away interlopers’ but Scourge pointed and waggled his eyebrows.
Cyclonus looked back at Galvatron, back to Scourge and back again.

Ah. The gibberish was only because he’d already got the hots for Cyclonus!

Well that put things in a different light and now Cyclonus just couldn’t make the right-hand gestures back, well this was now a mess.

With both of them now thoroughly awkward and not paying attention Scourge clambered up Cyclonus’s back
“Well, I think we need to set you up on a few more dates!”


  • Cyclonus is mute and communicates via sign language, he knows a few different types of Cybertronian sign language.
  • He is capable of making noises, however, mostly roars and bleats in his beast mode and quiet snarls and rumbles as a robot. He can laugh though, but it sounds like Muttley.
  • The head on his alt mode can change.
    – The lion head is when he’s using physical/short-range and melee weaponry. Kicks, bites, claws he’s a physical powerhouse! However, he has to rely on his speed to reach foes that are far away from him.
    – The goat head is a ranged/projectile head. It can fire lasers from the eyes and breath a energy stream. If he swallows rocks or items large enough he can coat them in a explosive ooze and spit them back out. However, his physical capacity is more limited.
    – In either mode, the snakehead can function independently relatively well and bite anyone coming up from behind.
  • Cyclonus shows little or muted expressions on his face when in robot mode but his snake-tail is veeery expressive, so you need to look at that to get a reading on his intent.
  • Still loathes Megastorm but now knows he can’t do anything about it without deeply hurting Galvatron and perhaps losing him forever.
  • He’s a sassy fucker.
    Don’t even test him.
  • Likely to do the exact opposite of what Megastorm says, just to annoy him.
  • His thighs are actually covered in short lion fur.

Skyfire and Cosmos’s precious li’l nugget has gotten a Extriverse look too!
Info below the cut!

Name: Quasar
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female/Femme, She/Her
Alt. Mode: A rather round jet
Creators: Skyfire, Cosmos
Siblings: None.

Quasar can be missed at first. She prefers hanging back and watching things from afar before she truly joins in and makes her entrance. This is because she prefers talking with people she knows and if there’s someone she doesn’t know, she’ll hang back and watch them for a while first, hoping this will help her interact better with them as she ‘gets a feel’ of them. It doesn’t always work.

She gets intensely enthusiastic over stars and constellations and will bounce and squeak with happiness when excited. She’s the mother hen of the group and tends to fuss over everyone’s safety and well-being keen to make sure everyone is included. When times get tough she’s not afraid to roll up her sleeves and do what has to be done, even if it’s not fun.


  • Widely regarded to give some of THE BEST hugs on Cybertron, so she often finds herself being hugged. Optimus is also considered to give the best hugs too.
  • Much like Cosmos she has trouble landing, less trouble than him but she will crash. She’s also more of an actual klutz than he is.
  • Has a photographic memory. If you want to talk about stars and star systems that is.
  • Scolds Ripraider a lot for his continual cursing.
  • Big sister to all.
  • Knows how to run many scientific procedures but she’s more interested in exploring than actual science-science.
  • Hopes to discover a new constellation someday.
  • May or May not have had a silly kiddie crush on Powerglide for a while.
  • Likes humming a happy tune to herself as she goes.
  • A chipper lass. Her sense of humor is great too.

I’ve only drawn one picture of him before but I decided to make a full ref for my Beast Wars Bumblebee. Info, as always, is under the cut.


Waspinator was engaging in his usual mope about life, the universe hates him he just knows it! He hardly gets any respite and respect from his fellow Predacons barely exists! What kind of a life is that? None, he’ll tell ya’!.

It was this that lead him to make a rather blunderous move. He found a stasis pod!
All by himself!
Surely he’ll get the respect he deserves now! But wait, he’ll have to bring it back to the base, or alert them. He’ll get a “good work” at best then creepy Spider-bot will reprogram and activate the protoform and the credit will be all his, not Waspinators!.

Determined to get the respect he deserves, he decided that surely it couldn’t be that hard to reprogram a protoform! Easy! He’ll have it done in no time and will be praised for all of time! Uh, maybe not that much but he’ll get respect! At least… Probably, maybe…

Gleefully thinking about all the respect and admiration he’s bound to get from his peers Waspinator jabbed buttons, cut off and denied any bit of coding he thought looked Maximal enough (That’s how this works right?), supplied it with a power boost oh yes, that’s definitely the right thing to do! Of course! This was so easy!
The final touch was of course, for the pod to scan a alt mode for the new Predacon-to-be, if creepy Spider-bot could do it, so could he. Waspinator found a entire hive full of little creatures similar to himself and presented them to the pod.

Oh yes, a friend for sure this would make!.
Eventually the pod beeped, fizzled, wobbled, hummed and then decided it was good enough to open.

Sat inside was a very tiny, very fluffy little thing.
He’s not going to get any respect for this.
It looked up at him and peeped curiously.
But scrap the lot of them! He did this and it was adorable!

Waspinator gleefully scooped the little thing up and cuddled it’s lovely fuzzy exterior, yes, he could forget the universe with this tiny bundle by his side.

Although now he had to think.
He can’t let the other Predacons see him lest they take him away…


Bumblebee is the epitome of “I don’t care I’ll fite u mothertrucker”. He has a lot of determination already in such a young tiny body he’ll face down the biggest of threats with a fearless, angry pout.
Which unfortunately for him looks adorable on his widdle face.
He’s happy, energetic and adores being the centre of attention, though he’s not fussy about losing it, that means he can wander off to do his own things when no one’s looking.

He has a deep attachment to Waspinator and treats him like one would treat a parental unit. The feeling is mutual as Waspinator treats him like his own Sparkling. He’s always ready to throw down on anyone who scares him.
Befriend him and this attitude will extend to you although he’ll put Waspinator first.


  • Probably already obvious but as Waspinator botched everything in waking his protoform up, Bumblebee came out a tiny protoform/sparkling rather than full-grown.
  • He also isn’t a Predacon. He’s still full-blown Maximal. Although thankfully Wasps attempts at meddling in reprogramming him had the effect of making him hard to pick up AS a Maximal, he’s more likely to appear on scans as neither a Pred’ or Maxi’ but a second, or stronger, scan will bring him up as a Maximal.
  • As such he’s often sought out by the Maximals who wrongly believe he’s being kept a prisoner by the Preds.
  • Bee loves to dance, it’s his favourite! He’ll wiggle away for hours on end! He can even communicate via his dancing, if only those around him understood it.
  • Wasp tries to join in and imitate his dancing but often messes it up.
  • He has the beginning of a electric stinger weapon but it is small and only delivers sharp shocks right now.
  • He sometimes makes soft buzzing noises as he dances.
  • He can fly but not for long distances, but he will stubbornly fly at least part of the way before settling on Waspinator’s back.
  • Waspinator often, when forced, left him at the hidden temple with Galvatron to keep him safe and away from prying Predacon optics, not to mention away from Maximals.
  • Galvatron may or may not have taught him how to headbutt people, but his tiny horns don’t do much in the way of damage so it’s more adorable than anything.
  • He is pretty damn soft.

So hey, how about more of that Spyro AU? Well, you’re getting it anyway! Info under the cut!

These three first became known to the dragon lands as the ruthless generals to a horrible Demon’s army as he invaded the realms! The trio were freed when a young dragon defeated the demon. They have no memories of their former lives and no longer evil they were allowed back into society though they’re still checked up on a lot.

Cyclonus – A Peace Keeper dragon, a noble and protective warrior, he a all-round powerhouse, from his large gust-generating wings to his strong physique to best him in a battle is truly a achievement. Good thing he never actually fights without a reason and prefers training new comers or being a guard. Otherwise he’s usually at Galvatron’s place.

Galvatron – A Beast Maker dragon, he can be temperamental but it’s not his fault. His Beast-making magic is adept at creating big predatory beasts, while a necessary part of life, often left him feeling out of place with others of his kind, it also makes him a prime target for anyone invading the Dragon realms. Capture him and force him to make an army for you! Genius! It’s the reason Hot Rod often checks in on him first if an invasion happens, It’s about 50-50 if he needs rescuing however, either Galvatrons freed himself after going on a rampage (there’s only so many kidnap attempts one can take) or Cyclonus has already done it. He is capable of making non-predatory beasts but they’re not his default. His pouch is also magic and acts as a storage. Like many other Beast Makers his magic also goes towards flight as despite his size and wings he can still lift off and travel.

Scourge – Another Beast Maker dragon. He’s usually a loner and fine just lazing around in the warm patches having plenty of naps and eating his fill, it’s hard to make him do something if he doesn’t want to do it. He is adept at making, and mass producing, feline-like beasts that bear a resemblance to himself and during the time when he was being controlled by the demon he commanded a vast army of these creatures. He likes fish and to sleep by warm fire places.

Here he is! Story under cut!

Cyclonus was one of many seekers who found themselves drawn in by the fancy speeches and bold moves made by a fellow gladiator.

As a member of the ‘younger leagues’ of a gang of flying gladiators engaging in aerial battles, he knew where Megatron was coming from and was more than willing to follow this up and coming, new leader.

As such he often made flights around the ‘base’ of this building revolution, accepted into the ranks and made a part of the flying division, size and physical strength putting him in the high ranks immediately. Not only that he was very loyal and also had a strong sense of commitment that made him a mech of interest to Megatron.

It was during one of these flights near the headquarters that Cyclonus saw something bright purple falling from the sky!

Realising someone had managed to fall from the higher levels the Seeker dove forwards grabbing the mech mid-air and holding him tight until he calmed down enough to be moved.
Slowly Cyclonus lowered the now calmer mech to the floor.

He was surprised when the fellow thanked him with the biggest hug he’d ever had since he moved from his caretaker units house!

The duo introduced themselves and Cyclonus learnt this clumsy, affectionate guy was named Galvatron.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Cyclonus found himself invited to hang out with Galvatron’s friends at MacCadam’s where he met Galvatron’s other friends, Like Bumblebee.
It seemed great!
Being around Galvatron was like a welcome breath of fresh air from the stuffy Seeker trainees he was usually around. Even Bumblebee hit it off with him, jokingly calling each other “The Horn bro’s”, even then he still wound up talking to Galvatron more.

He always seemed to like making him laugh and when Cyclonus laughed, everyone knew about it, but Galvatron seemed to giggle and immediately try making him laugh again.

Megatron’s training regime got more and more strict and harsher, Cyclonus could hardly find time to hang with his friends so much anymore. Though that changed when he found Galvatron at the barracks window tapping for him to come outside, he and Bumblebee had snuck in to hang out with him, it had been Bumblebee’s idea but only prompted because he claimed Galvatron was worse than a wet cyber-cat without him around. It warmed his Spark to know they still cared for him.

Trying to find some way they could spend more time together Cyclonus invited them to his practices, it became easier to slip out with them and hang out.
Galvatron started greeting him with a hug each time.
He saw MacCadam’s more and more as they hung out, even if Maccadam himself was saying more and more strange things about him.
So what if Galvatron smiling made him smile? You’re always happy when a friend’s happy, duh.

Although… Galvatron was getting more withdrawn and quiet it… hurt in a way Cyclonus hadn’t felt before.

During one particularly intense bout of training; Cyclonus was part of a devastating crash, his wing was broken and practically hanging off.
He’d lose it if something wasn’t done quickly.

Bumblebee and the field medic rushed off to get a stretcher to take him away but Galvatron stayed by making a distressed warbling sound as he fussed over him.
It was at that point Galvatron turned green.

Cyclonus was shocked as the light bathed over him and the returning medic and yellow scout looked on as Galvatron’s new energy wrapped it’s way around his wing and through his body.
The energy surged through Cyclonus’s self-repair circuitry making them feel a thousand times stronger, his wing snapped and twisted in on itself, new filaments, wires and joints spread out.
Just like that Cyclonus’s wing was good as new.

He was too distracted at the pristine wing jutting from his back that he didn’t notice the warmth spreading through his chassis as a tired but happy Galvatron flopped over him in a big hug.

It was certainly strange but Cyclonus tried to push it out of his processor, it wasn’t until a couple cycles later when Bumblebee cornered him that he started to make sense out of the myriad of strange thoughts bustling through his processor.
The little yellow scout showed off a video on his device, Galvatron was hugging him after healing him and Cyclonus could see his own cheek plates brimming with a tinge of colour.

Bumblebee had a smug look on his face that only grew in intensity as Cyclonus desperately tried to deny the video evidence but it was no use the little scout was not leaving and was not going to let this go.

He fumbled shyly with his digits still trying to sidestep the issue when Bumblebee grabbed his arm and physically dragged him (to the best of his abilities) along, pushing him in front of a very confused Galvatron.

“I… date….. Us… me?” Came the eventual stunning question after Cyclonus spent forever umming and ahhing.

Bumblebee thankfully cleared it up when Galvatron had no idea what he was talking about.
Galvatron seemed just as shy as Cyclonus when he finally nodded a ‘yes’ in response.
What followed was what Bumblebee called “The most adorably awkward hug I’m surprised Primus himself didn’t rise up to yell at you two to kiss already”.

Everyone seemed to ‘aww’ at their relationship, they blushed when they held hands, which really was something as they held them constantly.
Maccadam cheered and gave everyone a free drink.
Bumblebee (badly) sang them a love song as they went out for a meal together (he managed to sneak in with an instrument just to play at their tableside) before being chased out by staff.
Even Soundwave seemed to quietly drop by and give them tickets to a Rosanna concert.

They hardly left each other’s side and it filled Cyclonus’s spark to the brim with a warmth he hadn’t felt before.
Although, Galvatron seemed distant, there were days when Cyclonus wouldn’t find him where they agreed to meet, he’d just get a short message saying Megatron had made plans for the day.
That was fair, he was their leader so no big deal right?
Then Megatron showed up more taking Galvatron away mid-date and crashing their nights.

Tired of this Cyclonus waited in Galvatron’s room one night, waited for him to return.
When he did Cyclonus saw him covered in freshly welded gashes, his optics strained to the point of leaking and his own stabilizers so shot he was shaking like a leaf.

He hardly had the energy to deny Cyclonus when he bounded forth and wrapped him up in a hug. It was at this point Galvatron broke down and sobbed.

Megatron was hurting him, experimenting on him.
Tearing bits of him open and jamming energy rods inside, monitoring him, his energy, his power running haywire everytime it happened, how it hurt and burned. How Megatron furiously snapped and threw him around like a ragdoll when they were alone, how…
How he only saw darkness in the grey leaders spark whenever he touched him.

Cyclonus was dumbfounded, left to hug his boyfriend as he cried.
He didn’t want to believe that Megatron, for all his promises of a great Cybertron, his promises of a better, united world, would do all this.
But the scars and wounds didn’t lie.

He could not in good conscience allow the one who brought light to his life to suffer so, he wiped away his tears and promised him, as long as he functioned he will rescue him from this torment.

They shared a poignant kiss vowing to be free of the torture, to run away and be free together, but it would be difficult.

He knew there were rising tensions between the rising factions, the only way to fix this would be to crawl to the Autobots.
Knowing which side he stood on Cyclonus met up with Bumblebee and told him he had to get Galvatron out of there. He was shocked and a little nervous when Optimus Prime appeared alongside the scout.

Bumblebee had picked up on his odd behaviour and the not-always-well-hidden scars on his friend and had passed on this information. Optimus had agreed that it combined with certain qualities displayed by Galvatron lead him to be very concerned at the young mech staying in Megatron’s care.

But Megatron was no fool, he noted his ‘weapons’ little friend acting concerned and knew that he had befriended those who sided with Optimus. As the tensions got higher the guards around Galvatron increased and as much as Cyclonus tried to argue, he was moved further and further away hardly able to see him at all.

He could only dread the things that were happening to Galvatron but knew he wouldn’t be able to get to him like this. It was a awful time but he pretended to be loyal to Megatron, doing anything and everything he said no matter how degrading.

Hope came to him when he saw a little yellow ally rushing about the base, but it was short lived, the Autobots were raiding the base and Cyclonus knew why, but the fighting was not enough to cover up the screams. Pitifully Cyclonus made weak attempts to shoot at Bumblebee his shots arcing wide and always missing, he pinned the blame on the attack happening before his weekly calibrations and his aiming system had not been tuned up properly.

When the base near exploded in a flush of energy he took his escape, slipping away in the confusion he easily spotted Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.
It broke his spark like a thousand raging Predacons to see the state Galvatron was in, pale, broken, tortured. Little chunks of energon practically growing through his armour.

Bumblebee gave Cyclonus a pat on the shoulder, the seeker had ignored him and grabbed Galvatron’s hand.
“Come with us” Bumblebee urged, “they’ll know”
“Yes, in light of everything that’s happened you are fully welcome to our team” Optimus concurred.

He couldn’t he knew he couldn’t.
Cyclonus squeezed Galvatrons hand looking him in the optics once more before turning to Optimus.
“I can’t and you know it, they’ll send everyone after him, I know not what they were doing to him but they will not let you take him. They will find you and your Ark and you will be destroyed.”

Galvatron whined trying to get him to stay but Cyclonus squeezed his optics shut, knowing that if he looked into those pleading eyes he would crack.

“They think I’m loyal again, I must go back, I must tell them false information, claim you went the opposite way. It won’t be much but it’ll give you time!”

Galvatron struggled and weakly whined in Optimus’s arms he begged for Cyclonus to stay, the look on Optimus and Bee’s face told the same but they conceded they probably wouldn’t make it otherwise.

Galvatron still tugged on Cyclonus’s hand, his broken vocal unit had been buzzing constantly with pleas this whole time.

Cyclonus tried to pretend he wasn’t crying.

He cupped Galvatrons helm and pressed their foreheads together.
“Do not worry for me, I will find you again, nothing will stop me, I will flee as soon as I’ve lead them astray. We will be together again no matter what happens, nothing will stop me… because I love you”

Unable to take looking at him one more time lest he fail, Optimus told him the location of the Ark’s launch site and Cyclonus flew away.

He wiped his face and circled back to the base, he found a running group of cons and yelled to them that he saw a red figure moving off to the west and came for immediate back-up. Almost instantly everyone was flocking to the west side desperately searching for the fleeing Autobots but came back empty handed.

It was not fun listening to Megatron’s wrath at losing his most “prized possession”.
It made Cyclonus sick to hear those words used to describe another living being.

He took part in the repair efforts and kept his head down, he had to wait for the perfect time to slip away.

Except he didn’t, there was a sharp pain and then his systems went offline.

Drugged up and chained up was all Cyclonus could comprehend the few vague moments of consciousness he managed told him as such. Blurred figures stood nearby, he could make out colours. Megatron and Shockwave were shuffling about. Words were distant too.

“Drone… Spotted… Nowhere… Lied…”


“Location… Ark…”

“Tell… NOW…”


“Cortical… Patch…”


“Emergency… memory… gone…”

If he thought hard enough he could almost think of what they were saying but his vision was suddenly taken up by what looked like darkness. A blurry light began to shine and he realised Megatron had his cannon aimed point blank at his face.

He registered a moment of pain before going offline again.

When Cyclonus awoke again he was stood up and fully operational, sans one optic, but that didn’t matter, not like he always had two, did he? Cyclonus was his name right?.

“Cyclonus” Megatron strode in front of him and memories seemed to click into place, he thought.

“Yes my lord” He saluted in return to his glorious leader and master, yes this was right.

“Ah good, how wonderful to see you’re… back online after the Autobots attacked” He mused, “I have a task for you, just to… check, you’re still in ‘the right frame of mind’”

Megatron snapped his fingers and two nameless seekers brought a pair of femme’s in and threw them to the floor. One was small and had little horns on their head the other was tall and held her emotions better. Upon seeing him both of them seemed shocked and tears were falling down both their faces.

“Cyclonus!?” Their voices echoed deep within Cyclonus’s core but he didn’t know why.

“These two are traitors and are responsible for letting the Autobots in to our base” Megatron continued, ignoring protests from the two femmes, he then handed a gun to Cyclonus “You know what we do with traitors right? Execute them.”

Cyclonus cocked the gun, and looked at the two kneeling prisoners.
Traitors right? Execution? Not like he actually knew these two anyway.


Energon was smeared up the walls as two quick shots took the femme’s out. Megatron was delighted and seemed ecstatic with the outcome.

“Excellent! Excellent!” He praised rubbing his hands together, “You always were such a loyal and dependable soldier Cyclonus”

Cyclonus merely nodded in gratitude at his leader’s praise. He was allowed to leave to his barracks, though he didn’t understand why Soundwave told Megatron his actions were “sick”. It was all alright.

He excelled as a brutal and devastating force upon the Decepticon ranks and was soon allowed to head off to Earth in search of a vessel full of Autobots to be destroyed.


  • In reference to his Armada-self, Cyclonus has a loud distinctive cackle and is often unable to stop himself from laughing for a long time.
  • He is physically a tank, he’s exceptionally strong and can take many a hit that’d be dangerous for a normal bot. His engines are even strong enough to break out of a planet’s atmosphere if enough energy is available. However, while he can build up an impressive speed it takes a while for him to get going and he traded maneuverability for it.
  • One of Shockwave’s drone’s saw that Cyclonus was never in the direction he claimed the Autobots to have gone and as such was giving false information.
  • When torture methods didn’t work in getting Cyclonus to spill the information he knew of they tried a cortical psychic patch to get to his memories but Cyclonus deleted and destroyed the memory of the Ark’s location in a desperate attempt to prevent them from knowing.
  • Megatron shot his eye out and his horns were clipped more for ‘symbolic’ reasons.
  • His entire memory was wiped, all he remembers is being a aerial gladiator and following Megatron, he knows nothing else.
  • He isn’t aware of it yet but Megatron made him kill his own parental/caretaker units as a test of loyalty.
  • When he finds Bumblebee on Earth his distinctive appearance triggers a memory in the Autobot scout who immediately calls him his “Horn bro”.
  • This is enough to give Cyclonus a tiny fragment of his old self back, enough to know that this little Autobot has/knows something important and needs to be kept alive/away from the rest of the Decepticons.
  • He follows Bumblebee and Windblade at a distance too nervous to go near; Windblade calls him “Bumblebee’s amnesiac puppy” for his odd behaviour.
  • Unfortunately Bumblebee doesn’t remember enough to be of more help other than knows he does trust this guy, for some reason, and there’s something important he’s forgetting.