
They shall never speak of this again. Until Rumble and Frenzy share those photos anyway.

Or as my friend dubs it “

Confused space opossum does not understand why the big baby wont fit in the pouch”.

Idea inspired by @grimlock

Also known as “That time Soundwave hugged Galvatron too tightly and forgot this son does not work like his other sons”.

Okay so here’s the ‘my style’ coneheads haha featuring Dirge!

Uh I don’t have a load of headcanons so most of the ones below cut are more referring to differences between coneheads and the other kind of seeker.

  • They have a “megatooth” at the front of their mouths, which is just their front dental units merged to create one big ‘beak’ tooth. 
  • Coneheads are very proud of their ‘beak’ and do not like people mocking it. Though they can peck you pretty hard with it haha.

  • Just like other seekers they use their wings to emote.

  • Their wing-tails have a couple joints on them, this goes towards emoting and to help them sit and move about in places their tail would get in the way.

  • Coneheads are more prone to chirping than other seekers.

  • Yes, they too can move on all fours and hop like a birdy.
  • Oh wait, I do have one idea regarding the characters: Dirge is probably that guy who is comically unlucky.

‘bout time I started doing more Autobots, his design just popped into mind spontaneously, went for a vague Pharaoh/mask feel for the head and nub-tipped limbs because, well, alien robots haha.
Headcanons under cut

  • Mirage is a friendly well-meaning bot, it’s just that it’s painfully obvious sometimes he was raised in the exceedingly wealthy parts of Cybertron. He doesn’t mean to be rude or condescending about such things but they occasionally just slip out even though he’s done his best to uninstall such thought processes.
  • This did lead him to be considered enemies with more aggressive Autobots from less-wealthy parts of Cybertron; most notably Cliffjumper, but when the Red Mini finally figured out he wasn’t actually being rude, just oblivious/unaware of his own faux pas they became good friends and he’s been instrumental in helping him be more “down to Earth” as they believe the expression goes.
  • He once used his odd frame to his advantage by going limp and passing off as a “funny looking test dummy” while infiltrating a Decepticon camp. It only really worked because he was only noticed by ‘cons of lacking processor power.
  • Once used his invisibility to sneak up behind Starscream and shove him off where he was perched for shits and giggles. I mean sure he flew before he hit the ground but the startled squawk and flailing was worth it.
  • He was initially reserved about using his invisibility, only using it when needed or for battle but now he’s been introduced to how much fun it can be to play sneak tricks on others with it. It’s both humorous and troublesome at times.
  • His friendship with Cliffjumper is odd as they have a lot of falling-out’s, over the same reason Mirage tends to be at odds with other Autobots for. Which is his ultimate distaste in the war in general, he sees no good coming from it and feels there’s just something plain wrong with all of it, especially how nasty the ‘cons are, there’s got to be a reason for all that hate, right?. While he’s not the only one who wants peace as quick as possible the attitude doesn’t stick well with many others.