Here we have the ‘my style’ Soundwave… Which is honestly TFP Soundwave because I love the eerie look he had there haha.
His personality changed a bit from the moment I initially conceptualized him in the Extriverse too. As always notes/headcanons etc under the cut.
EDIT: added a panel to his upper chest.

  • Spent many cycles travelling Cybertron before becoming a Council archivist with his own office.
  • He discovered a note from the office’s previous inhabitant that ultimately lead him to Megatron.
  • He has no face. The screen IS his face.
  • Is 33’ 5” tall
  • His ‘ribs’ can open up to store a Mini-con partner. While within him they gain protection and faster travel, while in turn they give Soundwave a minor energy boost.
  • As they do not transform into Cassette’s Soundwave’s Mini-con’s are referred to as his “Troop”.
  • He has two tentacles that emanate from his back, they are used for basic machinery and data interaction as well as extra limbs when it comes to battle. They have a max length of approximately 40ft (No ones measured).
  • Just under his chest he has two small tendrils of roughly 4-5ft length. These are the ones specially adapted to read brainwaves/processorwaves.
  • However due to their length Soundwave must be holding onto a victim to read their mind, even when retracted the two tendrils are obvious targets on his body. Shooting them or landing a good, strong enough hit on them will effectively knock Soundwave out of the fight or at least for 95% of it.
  • Autistic.
  • Mostly tends to speak in the “Soundwave: Superior” style but is fully capable of talking in other ways too. He does not often do this however so if he does he is either very tired, very frustrated, or relaxed enough in your presence to let a few lines go.
  • Is aware of Laserbeak and Ravage’s secret and as such does his utmost to protect them whenever possible.
  • Met Rumble and Frenzy when he snuck into the illegal gladiator pits multiple times. The duo (to him) were way too young to justifiably be locked up in Kaon prison or to be in the pits here. That combined with their more friendlier attitude at the time lead him to gradually ‘adopt’ the duo.
  • When he doesn’t feel up to talking he plays edited sound bites of various people/broadcasts or plays a gif on his screen.
  • Likes using his recorded sounds to mess about with others when he’s in a more jovial mood.
  • A more common thing for him to do, however, is to blast severely bass boosted music when he so feels like it, often doing it to make people shut up or to annoy/startle them.
    Or just for shits and giggles.
  • Has a high score on tetris.
  • He only became aware that Megatron had been mistreating Rumble and Frenzy while on the trip back to Cybertron from the battle at Autobot city. This is why he said nothing when he was thrown off the ship.
  • Met Orion Pax a few times before the war and had a few pleasant conversations with the librarian.
  • Is excellent at silent/stealthy movements.
  • Initially hated Galvatron.
  • Soundwave only saw Galvatrons breakdowns as proof that he was going to be/was as abusive as Megatron was and quietly sowed the seeds of mutiny among the other Decepticons.
    This act was thankfully stopped by Scourge who showed him the medical reports from Torkulon.
  • Now aware that their leader had neurological issues and, unlike his predecessor, never truly meant to batter his own men during battle Soundwave conceded and worked together with the huntsman to sort out the messy aftermath of the Torkulon incident.
  • Soundwave printed off and handed out many leaflets about mental health after adding his own chapter detailing what was wrong with their leader.
  • Soundwave is secretly EXTREMELY proud that not only did this improve relations with their leader but many other Decepticons were becoming more aware of issues both of their own and with others, gradually working together better.
  • After becoming friendlier with Galvatron and allowing him to even look after his ‘troop’ occasionally, Soundwave hit upon the realisation he did it again.
    He’s sort of adopted their leader.
  • Much like Cyclonus can Soundwave can identify and help whenever Galvatron is about to have a breakdown.

Hey, here’s a Extriverse size chart, so far! Approximately, I mean there might be a few edits in the future. Because I’m a bit crappy with sizes, but enjoy regardless.

Human – 6ft, Bumblebee – 11ft, Cyclonus – 50ft, Galvatron – 41ft 7 inches, Scourge – 35ft 10 inches, Starscream – 30ft, Megatron – 39ft, 7 inches.

What with all the Bee-hype I decided to finish up Extriverse Bumblebee!
Info and all the explanation for his design (and yes, the mandibles too) under the cut.

  • Hey so the bug features and mandibles?
    Well, he’s small, named Bumblebee, black and yellow… why not just dive even further into the bug aesthetic?
  • His protoform was originally meant to be an insecticons but instead he ended up in a vehicle-dominated area so instead of going the way his initial coding meant to take him he scanned a vehicle upon activation and became as he is now.
  • He is generally over the self-conscious part of his life regarding his features and error in mode, but he still rarely uses or exposes his insecticon-mandibles. Even then, they’re small and rounded, not very threatening or useful.
  • If anything he thinks he’s cute now.
  • Probably the youngest bot but was around pre-war too, like Rumble and Frenzy.
  • Has the makings of a good leader in him and has been put in high-ranking positions within teams and groups before and is likely to start leading his own missions and teams soon.
  • Shaped like a friend.
  • Often keeps his small arms tucked up under his chest so they end up looking like just another part of his plating til he takes them out.
  • If he closes his smaller optics, they look like eyebrows.
    Yes. He finds some amusement in that fact.
  • Was impressed by Earth Bumblebee’s when he first saw them exclaiming “They’re yellow and round like me!” because he is adorable.
  • Ride or die mothertrucker.

I should tag this as inappropriate because it’s a drawing of a major arsehole, hah! Anyway…
Info an stuff under the cut though I don’t have a lot right now.

  • Long story short; you KNOW you’re a bad leader when the entire faction of assholes you created collectively agree the best thing you ever did was die and your corpse get mutated into a semi-organic new guy whom they actually like more.
  • Megatron was once bright-opticed and quite innocent, living in blissful ignorance of his less-than-great place in life. Then he became aware of it and it was all downhill from there.
  • His cannon was created by Starscream.
  • A violent sociopathic psychopath.
  • The more power he got the more he just went bonkers.
  • Liberal with physical punishment, no matter how small the offence.
  • Only gives out compliments when it benefits himself or occasionally to deliberately pit two people against each other for his own amusement.
  • Generally unpleasant.

Oh hey look, I made a ‘my style/verse’ Starscream too.
Not that many but a few headcanons/info under the cut.

  • He

    actually joined the Decepticons because of Skyfire. He was upset the council wouldn’t allow him fuel and resources to go find him and announced his friend ‘dead’ so naturally when he heard of a rebellion he decided to get his sly-ass claws in that gig.

  • When he can stop being his usual snide self he’s actually very scientifically gifted. The best example of this? He was the anonymous donor who gave Megatron his fusion cannon.

  • Pre-war and during it’s early stages he sounded more like his TFP self, but repeated attacks and strangulation from Megatron permanently damaged his vocal unit enough that he began to get that infamous screech.

  • Can be bitter and petty enough that he messes his own plans and such up, even the ones that might’ve worked.

  • Like all Seekers he can run on all fours and do a bird-hop.

  • I bet you’re all wondering about the ghost thing huh? Well that’s simple!
    Starscream was the first to die at the hands of the Unicronians, he was their sacrifice to Unicron.
    Being marked with Unicrons energy and practically like a homing beacon for the colossal abomination to reach Cybertron he really should have been consumed by the chaotic entity but instead his proximity to the AllSpark ended up shielding him but rejected his Spark due to the chaotic/poisonous energy that surrounded it from Unicron.
    Thus he was left in limbo, gradually recollecting himself until he became the ghost we know.

  • After two failed attempts at getting his body back his ghost now lingers on Chaar, what’s worse, after being “killed” by a Unicronian a second time his energy is now much weaker, a third time and who knows what will happen to him, he doesn’t want to risk dissipating and merely ceasing to exist rather than properly joining the AllSpark.

Finally I complete the Unicronian trio in ‘my style’!
Info under the cut!

Name: Scourge (Sweeps are designated by a number)
Species: Unicronian

Strength: 7/10
Defense: 7/10
Speed: 10/10
Endurance: 9/10
Courage: 7/10 (Sweeps come at about 5/10)
Firepower: 7/10
Skill: 6/10

Facts/Notes about this Scourge and Sweeps (Both canon-info and headcanons ahoy):

  • Spent a week inside Unicron mutating into their current selves, upon which they hatched from fluid-filled chrysalises in their current state and left Unicrons body to enact his will.
  • He’s bio-organic and functions differently enough from regular Cybertronians to be at the very least considered a sub-species.
  • Was a part of the two-year long battle with/against/for Unicron.
  • Suffered torment from Unicron if he so much as wavered outside of Unicrons commands and desires.
  • When Unicron was defeated, he, like the other Unicronians became inert for a few months after having their ‘primary power source’ taken away.
  • Like his fellow Unicronians Scourge and his Sweeps have a “Garbage Gut”.
  • While Unicron was alive Scourge and the others had seemingly unlimited strength and power, now he’s ““dead”” their power is noticeably weaker but they are still forces to be reckoned with.
  • Like other Unicronians he can make his optics appear to be ‘aflame’, this is purely an aesthetic effect.
  • Their tails are not prehensile.
  • Only the Unicronians seem capable of telling the Sweeps apart instinctually. Scourge can do it perfectly, however, Cyclonus and Galvatron have made mistakes a few times.
  • The Sweeps are all utterly identical, however Scourge is distinguishable by his larger crest, extra tail fur and claw tips on his wings.
  • The Sweeps are divided up into numerous ‘packs’ each lead by their own ‘alpha’, however Scourge is still the boss of them all. Sometimes gets him jokingly referred to as the ‘alpha-alpha’.
  • Sweeps can be distracted with a laser pointer.
  • Scourge and the Sweeps have optics that are unnervingly ‘organic’ looking.
  • Said optics are also reflective.
  • When Scourge and the Sweeps argue amongst themselves it sounds like THIS.
    This has kept many a Decepticon up at night if they so happen to be too close to the argument. Thankfully they don’t make that noise when arguing with any Decepticon though on the rare time Scourge ‘argues back’ with either Galvatron or Cyclonus he will make that noise and get a equally horrible sounding growl/roar/noise in response until the matter is ‘settled’.
  • Sweeps like to cuddle together in a pile and sleep.
  • Rarely something called a “Sweepcub” can be found which is as the name implies a “baby” Sweep.
    No one is quite sure how or where they come from or are made, many Decepticons have made bets and theories on how they come to be, but are all too terrified of the possibilities to actually ask or really want to know, though it does ‘seem’ to explain why there’s a varying number of Sweeps around.
  • Scourge acts somewhat grumpy and sour but that seems to be his default disposition and isn’t actually being nasty as some might mistake it.
  • Scourge himself is a remarkably ‘simple’ mech, by which I mean, a full tank and shelter is enough to keep him happy and content.
  • Despite the concern and confusion about where they come from the attitude towards Sweepcubs is the same that a human might have towards kittens.
  • The Sweeps are more cowardly than Scourge, as if they’re aware they seem to fill out some kind of ‘disposable clone’ role in the galaxy. This has also occasionally lead to a Sweep being rebellious but it never lasts long nor usually go past the stage of them ‘talking back’.
  • Their toe beans are soft. Awfully so. Why does a semi-organic abomination get such soft peets? Curse you Universe!
  • Sweeps and Scourge can communicate certain things and certain signals to one another using their tails alone.
  • Their sense of smell and taste is better than their cohorts but is primarily used in tracking (or claiming they can sense others fear).
  • Scourge calls Galvatron and Cyclonus ‘filthy’ if they so much as smile at each other. It seems to be a in-joke among the trio.
  • Their claws are naturally that colour.
  • They purr and growl just like cats, can be found with a ‘blep’ like cats and can even have cases of ‘the zoomies’ too.
  • Scourge and the Sweeps display a pack mentality which is fine amongst themselves but when this mentality goes and includes other Decepticons (often if they are on a mission/working in a team with them or if a ‘con just happened to be nearby and get ‘swept up’ into their group) it tends to weird them out to be protected and guided by this weird pack of overgrown CyberCats.
  • They even groom in a similar manner.
  • Capable of bipedal and quadrupedal movement.
  • Seems somewhat ironic that their ‘robot mode’ and behaviour is the most animalistic of the trio yet their ‘alt mode’ is the most ‘vehiclular’ of them.
  • They have collections of animal pelts and bones form creatures they have hunted and killed. It is not uncommon to find one or two wearing such items.
  • Despite not needing to as it is primarily thanks to their anti-grav units and jets they like to ‘flap’ and ‘beat’ their wings in-flight.
  • Yes, fluffing up and flaring their wings is something they do as a ‘threat display’.
  • Scourge didn’t actively try to take control in “The burden hardest to bare”. The Matrix became energised after the unwanted attempt at using it and the energy it expelled (that came slightly delayed causing only Scourge to be affected) did not mesh well with his Unicronian energy at the time and caused a negative reaction, especially as he was unprepared, and turned Scourge ‘wild’.

Continuing the ‘my style’ dealio here’s Cyclonus!
Click the read more for extra info!

Name: Cyclonus
Species: Unicronian

Strength: 10/10
Defense: 8/10
Speed: 8/10
Endurance: 9/10
Courage: 9/10
Firepower: 6/10
Skill: 6/10

Facts/Notes about this Cyclonus (Both canon-Cyclonus info and headcanons ahoy):

  • Spent a week inside Unicron mutating into their current selves, upon which they hatched from fluid-filled chrysalises in their current state and left Unicrons body to enact his will.
  • He’s bio-organic and functions differently enough from regular Cybertronians to be at the very least considered a sub-species.
  • Was a part of the two-year long battle with/against/for Unicron.
  • Suffered torment from Unicron if he so much as wavered outside of Unicrons commands and desires.
  • When Unicron was defeated, he, like the other Unicronians became inert for a few months after having their ‘primary power source’ taken away.
  • Like his fellow Unicronians Cyclonus has a “Garbage Gut”.
  • While Unicron was alive Cyclonus and the others had seemingly unlimited strength and power, now he’s ““dead”” their power is noticeably weaker but they are still forces to be reckoned with.
  • Like other Unicronians he can make his optics appear to be ‘aflame’, this is purely an aesthetic effect.
  • Cyclonus can rattle his “ribs” to produce a rather chilling aggressive noise to convey emotion.
  • Cyclonus was indeed promised an ‘Armada’ however they did not survive the mutation process getting reabsorbed into Unicron’s mass and so he was left with nothing.
  • Can be a bit of a charmer and convince people/crowds to see things from his point of view when and if he chooses; such as when he convinced the Decepticons to donate power in order to help them find Galvatron again or roused a rabble against the Autobots.
  • Cyclonus finds no sport (and later no honor) in fighting unarmed foes, this sometimes extends to disliking fighting foes who cannot match him. However, foes that can match something like him are few and far between.
  • As such if he counts you among those Cyclonus is likely to keep you alive for the sole purpose of killing you himself or toying with you like a predator with its prey and he makes such a desire known quite clearly.
  • Don’t mistake such behaviour for friendliness however, that could be a grave error on your part. He is fiercely loyal to the Decepticons and is more than willing to tear Cybertron apart by his own hand if he thinks it’s of benefit to them or Galvatron.
  • Cyclonus is a loyal Decepticon, not necessarily obedient. By which I mean if he thinks something could be a boon to the Decepticons he will pursue it even if he was not ordered to do so and has occasionally disregarded orders to stop in favour of continuing his pursuit (Such as “The Big Broadcast of 2006”).
  • His horns are not erogenous no matter how much you mock him or make jokes about it, they just ain’t.
  • Has actually charged and impaled someone with said horns.
  • Is acutely aware of Galvatrons neural issues and as such does his best to take care of the issue; such as noticing when Galvatron is becoming overwhelmed/overstimulated and taking him away to ‘cool off’ if he can.
  • Speaking of he has a incredibly ‘close bond’ to Galvatron in particular and shares a room with him.
  • This desire to help and support their leader of whom he has trust and faith in, knowing he’s a perfectly capable and powerful leader underneath it all means he’ll accept help from… dubious sources if he thinks it’ll go someway to helping Galvatron.
  • Which is how the Torkulon event happened. To this day he still feels guilty about it. Even if Galvatron eventually came to forgive him he hates that he listened to a source as corrupt as a Quintesson despite knowing their nature.
  • Weirdly can be pegged as being ‘noble’.
  • Many Decepticons cannot figure out if he acts protective of them out of aforementioned ‘hidden noble quality’ or his loyalty to the Decepticons as a whole, or even some kind of arrogant ‘fight me instead because I’m better’ thought or maybe even just out of a sense of ‘duty’ as SIC.
  • Willingly helps Decepticons train and hone their skills which furthers their confusion on how to handle him.
  • He is an impromptu ‘therapist’ for the Decepticons. After many realised he took up researching psychology and other similar subjects after what happened on Torkulon as a method of better helping their leader and his neural/processor health issues a few Decepticons started asking him about their issues.
  • Occasionally Cyclonus does give help/advice to them but often just lets them talk while not fully paying attention, that’s usually more than enough to make them feel better and go, however, he watches out for certain keywords to respond to.
  • Creates a deep rumbling purr when content, or happy.
  • Can roar.
  • He can ‘paralyse’ people for up to a minute max, depending on the individuals will, with his optics. The hypnotising part is actually pretty useless, yelling a command at someone frozen by Cyclonus causes them to uncontrollably perform said action, if capable (but not very well) but it also immediately frees them from Cyclonus’s ‘command’. More than once an Autobot has managed to yell “Punch Cyclonus in the face!” and gotten the Decepticon clocked in the face more than once. Hence why it is never used for such a function.
  • The Spine at the end of his tail can lodge into an enemy and drain them of their power/energy and transfer said energy to Cyclonus.
  • There is a rumor among the Decepticons he is a vampire because of these abilities.
  • Most definitely a leftover from his previous self is a general immunity to teleportation-based problems. For example, it’s not uncommon for many bots to be disorientated and ‘queasy’ after teleporting especially if they haven’t before or the distance is extremely far, Cyclonus never feels such an effect.
  • Is created from 90% Skywarp parts and 10% of Bombshell.
  • Dislikes the terms “crazy” and “insane”, especially when used in regard to Galvatron.
  • Can eject a blast of energy from his tail even when not in ‘vehicle mode’ to damage foes.
  • Can glide around slowly and quite majestically in his alt mode when not on duty, though he’s often going faster than he appears to be and can still make a sharp-turn decision to come down and attack.
  • His tail is a reference to his Armada-self, the hypnotising and power syphoning comes from his combiner wars toy bio, his teeth are based off a Dunkleosteus, eyes off a octopi and his feet are based off Pigs trotters.